GPX 300r and 450r FSE fuelling / ignition map reflash
GPX Moto UK can reflash your ECU with a number of different fuelling and ignition maps. Fee includes labour / licence and recorded post back to you. (Not insured). Insured post at further cost.
GPX only charge for return post apart from the 450 open loop performance map
1.GPX 300r FSE smoothed out tune fuel/ignition map Reflash
2GPX 300r FSE Performance tune for map switch(user work required installing a handlebar mounted map switch and connecting it to the ECU (not for beginners)
3.The 450 smoother cleaned up fuelling / ignition map
4.The 450 open loop performance map costs a little more as we pay a fee for every use. This map can be further enhanced by installing a handlebar mounted map switch and connecting it to the ECU (not for beginners)